

Product: Light Alkaline Degreaser
Dilution: 1 part solution: 1 part water
Op Temp: Above 20OC
Immersion: Immerse until clean.
Keep clean and up to strength


Product: Conditioner
Dilution: 1 part solution: 9 parts water
Op Temp: Above 20OC
Immersion: 30 – 60 seconds
Keep clean and up to strength


Product: Blacking Solution
Dilution: 1 part solution: 3 parts water
Op Temp: Above 20OC
Immersion: About 1 minute – remove immediately the black surface has been achieved
Keep clean and up to strength


Make sure the metal is clean (a patchy black means it is not clean enough)
Keep solutions up to strength
Keep solutions above 20OC
Don’t over-black (if this happens wipe off smut before immersing into final oil tank)
Rust or Mil scale must be removed prior to Blacking


Product: Water Based Dewatering Fluid
Dilution: 1 part solution: 5 parts water
Op Temp: Above 20OC
Immersion: Until all water has been washed off material, however immerse for a minimum of 5 minutes
Keep clean and up to strength

N.B. This product can be heated to 60 – 65OC thus giving faster dewatering and drying times


Keep a separate basket for the oil or degrease the basket after use.
Allow enough time in the oil for water to be displaced from the black surface.
Agitate small items.
Rotate those with complicated shapes.
Replace lids when not in use.
Allow components to dry before handling
Don’t allow oil to be wiped off component.

N.B. Mix oil to chosen dilution by adding oil to water whilst stirring vigorously. To assist emulsion use warm water when mixing